Quality Metrics Documentation
The Overview section provides a starting point with an overview of broad topics and data.
1. Filters - These filters will allow a user to change how the data is being displayed based on their permissions.
2. Additional Filters - This allows further filtering of the data based on the following:
3. Info Bubble - this will provide definitions of different parts of the page for users to understand the information being presented.
4. Measure Overview - This is a list of the measures being tracked and how the plan/group and/or office is measuring up to the standard. Additional information will be displayed when you hover over the yellow or blue bar on the graph.
A. This one shows a measure that has not yet been met. It also shows how many total opportunities are out there and how many are needed to meet the target.
B. This one shows a measure that has been met. It shows the total number of opportunities there were.
The timeline section will show if measures are being met or not and what percentage is complete.
1. Filters - These filters will allow a user to change how the data is being displayed based on their permissions. These are the same on each tab.
2. Additional Filters & Info Bubble - These are the same for each tab, allowing filtering based on demographics and definitions in the info bubble.
3. Measure Performance Overtime - This will show where a measure is compared to the predicted path to completion.
By clicking on one of the Measure Code, a graph will display the performance over time. The blue line shows the success percentage, and the grey line shows the Target percentage.
3. Additional Filters & Info Bubble- These are the same for each tab, allowing filtering based on demographics and definitions in the info bubble.
This section has the opportunities broken down by Practice office, Measure and Eligibility. By clicking on different graphs, you will see a breakdown of the opportunities and if they are met or not.
1. Filters - These filters will allow a user to change how the data is being displayed based on their permissions. These are the same on each tab.
2. Additional Filters & Info Bubble - These are the same for each tab, allowing filtering based on demographics and definitions in the info bubble.
3. Opportunities by Practice Office - This will show all opportunities by each office or group depending on how you use the Location filter. What is seen will depend on your system access preferences.
You can also hover your mouse over a blue bar and it will show you the numbers.
4. Opportunity by Measure - This will take each measure and show you what the percentage complete currently is, the target, and also the total number of opportunities and how many are needed to hit the target. All of this can be seen by hovering your mouse over a bar associated with the measure name.
5. Opportunities by Eligibility - This will break the same information down by member. You can click on one of the Eligibility lines and this will give you an opportunity to view all of the details associated with this member.
REALD is a type of demographic information, like age, marital status, employment and more. REALD stands for the types of information it includes: Race, Ethnicity, and, Language, Disability. This section all ows group s to see a breakdown of the measures around these areas.
1. Filters - These filters will allow a user to change how the data is being displayed based on their permissions. These are the same on each tab.
2. Additional Filters & Info Bubble - These are the same for each tab, allowing filtering based on demographics and definitions in the info bubble.
3. Measure Overview - This section will dictate what is seen on the other graphs. You can click on a measure and the information will reflect this on the rest of the page.
4. Success % by Race - This section will reflect the information selected in the Measure Overview, but also has the ability to be further filtered by using the REALD filter. Options are Race, Ethnicity or Language.
The i associated with this section gives information about this specific filter.
5. Success % by Age Breakdown - This section will show a bar graph by age groups. If you hover the mouse over a bar, you will see the specifics of that group.
6. Gender Breakdown Male, Female, Disability & Sign Language Needed - Another way to view information based on the Measure selected. By hovering the mouse over each section of the graph.
In this example, Gender Breakdown Male was used. Image 1 is the mouse hovering over the center of the graph. Image 2 is the mouse hovering over the blue part and image 3 is hovering over the yellow part.
The map tab breaks down the information geographically.
1. Filters - These filters will allow a user to change how the data is being displayed based on their permissions. These are the same on each tab.
2. Additional Filters & Info Bubble - These are the same for each tab, allowing filtering based on demographics and definitions in the info bubble.
3. Map Overview by Members Physical Address - This section will adjust the view of the map. By clicking on a city, the information displayed on the right-hand side will change.
4. Success % by Zipcode - By hovering the mouse over the map, you will see specific information for that zipcode. This can either be done on the original map or once a specific place is selected.
5. Adjusting the scale of the map -
1. Members - The number of members can be adjusted and this will change the view on the map below as well as the Success % to the right,
2. The info bubble - This is an informational button to provide additional details around this section
3. Success % - This will adjust based on the number of members in the range. This cannot be manually changed, only by adjusting the members.
The details tab
1. Filters - These filters will allow a user to change how the data is being displayed based on their permissions. These are the same on each tab.
2. Additional Filters & Info Bubble - These are the same for each tab, allowing filtering based on demographics and definitions in the info bubble.
3. Member Details - This will allow you to view a list of members based on your security permissions. By clicking on the eligibility, this will provide a link to CIM to view claims data. You will also see demographic information which has been concealed in this example.